Commited to the Cause

Since our founding in 2000, Impulse Institute has developed and grown in a positive direction. We’re very proud of the diversity of our staff, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. We have structured our team so that we are able to deliver knowledge on a variety of subjects in the fields of Improvement Science, Implemenation Science, Safety Science and Human Factors. Working with our partners we aim to deliver the best possible quality in research into the ever more important area of Quality of Care.

Maarten van der Laan

Program Director

Maarten is Vascular Surgeon in the UMCG in Groningen. In his daily practice as a vascular surgeon he strives for continuous and sustained quality improvement. He is committed to make healthcare a sustainable place for patients and healthcare workers

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Dave Dongelmans

Program Director

Dave is intensivist in the Amsterdam UMC and chair of the Dutch Intensive Care Registry (NICE). His research focus is quality and safety. He has a keen interest in the design and use of actionable indicators. He tries to use his knowledge also in LMIC.

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Jop Groeneweg

Scientific Director

Jop is a full professor at the Department of Safety Science, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Technical University Delft. He has worked in different high risk industries. He is a strong advocate of just culture.

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Annelies Visser

Implementation Scientist

Annelies is an experienced implementation specialist. She has a strong theoretical background while being very pragmatic, she has experience in various qualitative  research methods. She is commited to results and dedicated to do so in connection with a team. 

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Lotty Hooft


Lotty is a Professor at the Julius Center in Utrecht. She leads the Department of Epidemiology & Health Economics and is the director of Cochrane Netherlands. Alongside Dr. Visser, she is one of the strong methodologists on the team.

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